Tuesday, November 29, 2005 |
Just thought I'd post a couple of photos... Today's snow, and my syrup! (which I will be trying very shortly when my friend comes over. yum!) ![]() ![]() |
Today I feel like a bit of a bum as I sit at home. Culture shock and homesickness and spending countless hours in classes that move at the rate of a snail and i really dont learn anything, have gotten the best of me. Last night my brain completely shut down. I really couldnt think or do anything. I had gone over to my new apartment to met the new roommates (I'll explain more about the apartment later) and then over to Egidio's house to work. It was useless though, my brain wouldnt function to do jack shit. It reminded me of how important it is to get away sometimes, and just chill with people and give yourself a break. While I do hang out with people, I realized that we always talk about design, or school, or differences between america and italy. What I'm in need of rather, is a night of bullshitting, playing mariokart, and drinking beer. I'm in need of a night at home with the boys, doing nothing but just chillin and having fun. Unfortunately I know that isn't going to happen. The guys last night, Egidio and Federico we're really great, trying to cheer me up. They pretty much stopped working too after I got there. I'm not sure if it was because they were done, or because they could tell I was in a comotose zombie state and in need of help. Somehow though, it just wasn't the same. So today I took a day off. I slept till 11.30, woke up, looked outside, and saw snow. yes, more snow. More today than last time, as its actually sticking. And it's actually rather pretty. In addition, I just recieved a lovely present from the postman! My friend Matteo went to England a little while ago, and brought back with him two bottles of STARBUCKS hazelnut syrup for me! He was going to bring them with him to Milano when he came up for a NadaSurf concert, but sadly ended up not being able to come due to school. So he posted them to me instead. The only reason I'm not already indulging myself in a hazelnut latte, is because I ran out of milk. I must get to the store. Soon. :D So while I'm still feeling a bit groggy and my mind is still a bit of a blur, the day is getting better. I woke up this morning and somehow had my concept for the "Be! low the Line" project that has been driving me crazy for the past two weeks. Maybe I dreamed about it, I'm not sure. but I woke up, and remembered having a really good idea. I then sat there thinking for a few minutes until it came to me. Unfortnuately it's a bit complicated to make, and I'm not sure if I'll have it for tomorrow's intermidiate critique. But atleast I have something to explain now, whereas before I had nothing. And I can definitely have it done in two weeks. So here's to my mental health day. It's time to do homework. |
Friday, November 25, 2005 |
Well, as the end of the month nears, and I realize more and more that I need to find an apartment (where has Nov gone?) I've started making phone calls. I went and looked at a place with Federico the other day. The location was perfect, the price was great, but the apartment sucked. So that is a no go. We saw another posting that looked promising, but called and the price was way too much. So tonight I started making calls on beds in shared rooms for just myself (as Federico doesnt actually have to move, he'd just like to). no longer available. no longer available. yadda yadda. Found one that is within walking distance, farther than my current, but actually just around the corner from Federico, and about 2 blocks from my friend Egidio. I went and looked at it tonight, and it's great! Its fairly big, clean, 4 girls living there, I'd be replacing one of them. All foreigners, all really nice. I figured that I would be there about 15 min, but ended up staying for two hours hanging out with them and talking. There is no internet currently, but I can hook it up if I want. Price is GREAT. The only reason I didn't say yes (well, actually I did say I wanted it) is that there was another girl who came and looked at it this morning, and they told her that they would wait a couple days for her to respond. So if the other girl doesnt take it, I get it. I wont know till sunday or monday though. So, in the meantime, I've set up a meeting to go see another apartment tomorrow afternoon. Price is okay, a little more than this one, but there is internet already, and itd only be 3 of us there, both the others are Italian. The downside, location. not walking to school, but rather about a 30 min commute, involving a switch of metro lines. I really want to find something near school, but all the others that were near school are already taken. So I will look at this one. There are also a couple of other ads I may call tomorrow to go look at. They're not near the school either, and while probably also a 30 min commute, they're the other way, and actually further out of town. Which is fine if I can take the metro. but at night if I have to take a taxi would cost a lot more. so we'll see. I'd like to have something secured by monday, as wed is the end of the month, and I needa get outta here. I dont think Paola (my land lord) will have a problem with me staying a few days into dec, since she doesnt get back till the 8th. I'd like to move friday though. |
Every weather report that I look at says something different. But today, it is snowing. Not hard, just very small, tiny infact, flakes. Not constantly, but occasionally all day it has been doing this. I'm not sure what tonight will bring. The ground is thouroughly wet though, so I doubt anything will stick. As I walked home from class today, I prayed that the heat would be working. Thankfully, my prayers were answered, and I came home to a warm house! I'm not sure what my plans for the weekend will entail, but I'm hoping that they include a heated house. If so, I'll probably be perseuded to stay home! Which all in all can't be that bad as I do have quite a bit of work to get done. I'm looking forward to Monday, as we find out whose logo the client choose for the Portfolio in Piazza project, and we get to learn more about what exactly we will be doing. I think my logo stands a good chance, but it all depends on what the client is looking for. Mine is definitely not the stereotypical vector line drawing logo (such as everyone else made) but takes a new approach and offers something a bit more dynamic. It still has tweaking to be done to it of course, but the instructor seemed to like mine, and I think he will put in a good word for it with the client. Other than that I have strange little exercises to do this weekend, nothing particuarly interesting, except the "Be! Low the line" project for photoshop. I'm still struggling with my concept for it. It's not due for 2.5 weeks, but we're supposed to bring something this week to class... I need to devote some serious hours to brainstorming and diverging on it. I want to do something conceptual, but it would also be a lot easier to just do something funny. We'll see how it goes. Nothing is ruled out at this point. |
Thursday, November 24, 2005 |
Forgive me if this post is a bit dull, dry, and unmotivated. I'm frozen. The radiator in my room doesnt work. The radiators in the rest of the apartment are regulated by the building, not by us. This means that the house is always either freezing or roasting. Eiither way we usually end up having to open a window, either because it is too hot inside, or it is hotter outside. It is bad when it is hotter outside, considering that our highs have been in the low 40's. Right now it's 32 degrees out. And it's only 11pm. The high tomorrow is supposed to be 39. It's damn cold. This morning on the way to class my nose was burning from the cold dry air. I have begun living in my thermals. I have no gloves, so my hands are frozen by the time I get to school. Hell, my hands are frozen just sitting in my room. my snowboarding jacket has been broken out. I've yet to wear it outside, but I'm sitting in it right now, and think tomorrow it will get a trip round town. I dont care if I get looks for wearing it. It's too damn cold here. Today is Thanksgiving. The holliday has lost its meaning for me over the past few years, however today I did miss it. I didn't think I would, but I did. I think it's more the thought that I had to go to school today, and again tomorrow, instead of getting the days off. And no turkey, no stuffing, no potatoes - I had pasta. yum. And no early bird shopping specials tomorrow. nope, just not the same. As far as good news goes, I actually went out to the paper store today. It's a bit of a trek to get there, but they have a pretty wide selection of paper - not sure about buying parent sheets. but otherwise they got good stuff. It's nice to know that it's possible to get paper here, even if they school doesn't believe in actually printing your projects. In fact, I dont think the school believes in printing at all. Today I found out that we have a limit of 30, yes THIRTY prints per month! That's just ridiculous. I tell ya, this school is going to be getting a nice little unofficial website made about it as soon as I'm done. There needs to be more accurate information about it available. But, they do apparently have a paper library at the school. They dont tell us it is there, but I asked my teacher, and he pointed to a big closet. I haven't investigated yet, but plan to do so tomorrow. We'll see if it really a redeming quality, or just another area they lack in. i swear I had more to write about, but i am getting sleepy now and can't remember. perhaps it'll come back to me tomorrow. |
Saturday, November 19, 2005 |
Wednesday, November 16, 2005 |
well, things are finally starting to pick up and get busy around here. It seems that all the classes in unisen have decided to start the projects. Which means free time is going from overwhelming, down to null. Ahhh just like at OSU. :) And while the others are groaning about how much we have to do, I cant help but get excited and look forward to needing to pull all nighters again. For my advertising class we are starting work on a campaign for a photography exhibit. The exhibit happens every year in September, so we're working on the ad campagin for 2006. Its a class effort, with our teacher acting as art director. Our competition is the other class. One of our campaigns will be used (unless of course they both suck ass. But that is doubtful, and of course my group is going to win). In visual design we started getting info on Bastard, an Italian company that makes skater/snowboard clothing and gear and such. Representatives from the company are coming next week to give us more info on what it is they are looking for. In the meantime we're doing as much research as possible. We're working independantly on this project, with the chance that our work will be used by Bastard. We've also started a project in my "photoshop" class, although I need to read through the assignment sheet with my dictionary still. I understand the gist of it, but others seem to think it is going to be hard (which I dont) so I'm wondering if I missed something. Once I figure out exactly what it is I'm doing, I'll let ya know. So far I like all of my teachers decently enough, some are really good, like my photoshop teacher, who is always looking at me and asking "are you bored?" and apologizing for how slow the class is going - yet there are those who dont understand, so we cant move much faster. I think he generally feels bad that I'm fighting off sleep in his class (and it's a 4 hour long class!). He's full of all kinds of great knowledge though. Today I got a website off of him for a PAPER STORE (the first I've heard of in Italy!). I'm very excited to go and check it out.... The only teacher who I am learning to despise is my Flash teacher. I dont know why he is such an ass to me, but I've decided to return the favor. We move so freaking slow in that class. It's boring to follow his exercises exactly, its all things I already know how to do. So in an effort to use the time productively, I mess around with flash and try to learn something new. Other people in the class also do this, and he doesn't care if they do. I however, am not allowed to. I have to follow his lessons exactly, and sit there being bored off my ass for 2 hours. He has proclaimed that I dont understand anything he is saying, and dont know what I am doing. And no, it's not just me thinking that he is being an ass to me, others agree. Last week the lesson was actaually tolerable, because we had a sub - the guy who will be teacher the class the 2nd semester. Thank god he's actually seems like a nice guy, and doesnt have a stick up his ass. Of course he assumed I didn't speak Italian, and was surprised when he learned I did. Then when I was messing around with my own thing, instead of yelling at me to follow the example, he understood that I knew how to do it, and asked me questions instead about where I was from. the 2nd semester wont get here fast enough as far as that class is concerned. There isn't anything particuarly noteworthy to talk about regarding my other classes. Outside of class I do homework, try to study some Italian, and hang out with friends some. Last night a big group of us went to the Birraficcio after class for a pint and dinner (gotta love cheap home brewed beer and free food). Hung out there for a couple hours, then I went over to Federico's place and had debates about composition for a couple of hours, before making loud seagull noises at midnight in an attempt to frighten his roommate in to wanting to move out - so that I can move in. yes, the apartment search continues. It was an interesting night, although I think Federico now hates me as I was a bit harsh on him ;) |
Tuesday, November 01, 2005 |
When trying to choose a font for oneself, one must first find ways to narrow down the choices as there are so many. I relate it to playing a game of Guess Who, where one asks the broadest questions first, which can eleminate the greatest number of possibilities. Such as “male or female” or in this case “serif or san-serif?” For me the choice is easy. I am a san-serif. I have always been a san-serif, and I’d venture to guess I always will be a san-serif. I like a good serif font, they are classic, time tested, and reliable. All good characteristics. However, serifs are also traditional, set in their ways, and a bit too formal for me. San Serifs are more fun, relaxed, and modern. They relate to a younger generation, and the prospect and welcoming of new ideas. They represent creativity and innovation. While I am a san-serif, I am a reliable one. I have been carefully trained over the years, and have a wide range of knowledge and skills. I did not wake up one day and decide I was a designer. Rather I’ve grown, and continue to grow into one. For these reasons I made my next elimination. I am not a ‘bastard’ font that has been crudely thrown together, I am not decorative, and I am not a fad. I am a font that has been carefully crafted and developed, producing strong results. I have a wide family to choose from depending on the situation, which means I can continually be used in new ways. There is one more question before looking at particulars. Am I a condensed font, an extended font, or somewhere in the middle? Condensed fonts while allowing for more information to be squeezed in, can also be a bit overwhelming in how much they hold. They also tend to be more hurried in how narrow they are, and it is always a race to get the next letter on the page. Extended fonts however, can be a bit too slow. They take their time, and tend to compensate for lack of information by spreading things out. I find myself to be in the middle. I do not put in too much, or too little information. Instead I find a balance. While my projects do not knock one over the head with how much is contained in them, there is always a strong concept and never a need to fill space. At this point I have a good list of criteria and can explain in more detail the specific aspects of Gill Sans which made me choose it over the others which met the same criteria. Gill Sans is a very clean and professional font. It is very geometric in its angles, with strong verticals, creating a smooth and consistent rhythm. Throughout all of the verticles, there are also occasional strokes thrown in which propel you throw the letters, as happens in any well designed work. The “a,” “c,” “e,” “r,” “s,” & “t” are all examples of this. While reliable and generally predictable, like me there are always small surprises hidden within. They are often understated and unnoticeable at first glance, but add layers of meaning and concept. The “K” for example, has a slightly longer foot, providing for a strong base, and emphasising sturdiness. The “g” pays homage to tradition in its form, showing that while modern the font still has history and respects the traditions of the past. The “M” has a characteristic which is not particularly common, demonstrating a bit of quirkiness. This being that the middle of the “M” comes only to the x-height, and not all the way to the baseline. This minimizes the over powering nature the “M” which can sometimes occur, and makes it more approachable. It also questions the traditional, and pushes towards new answers and solutions. Gill Sans is a well-crafted font which exudes both tradition and revolution. When I chose it, I did so for all the reasons above, as well as others which I have not listed. After all, as with a good font, some things should remain a surprise to be discovered further down the road. |