Thursday, November 24, 2005

Forgive me if this post is a bit dull, dry, and unmotivated. I'm frozen.

The radiator in my room doesnt work. The radiators in the rest of the apartment are regulated by the building, not by us. This means that the house is always either freezing or roasting. Eiither way we usually end up having to open a window, either because it is too hot inside, or it is hotter outside. It is bad when it is hotter outside, considering that our highs have been in the low 40's. Right now it's 32 degrees out. And it's only 11pm. The high tomorrow is supposed to be 39. It's damn cold.

This morning on the way to class my nose was burning from the cold dry air. I have begun living in my thermals. I have no gloves, so my hands are frozen by the time I get to school. Hell, my hands are frozen just sitting in my room. my snowboarding jacket has been broken out. I've yet to wear it outside, but I'm sitting in it right now, and think tomorrow it will get a trip round town. I dont care if I get looks for wearing it. It's too damn cold here.

Today is Thanksgiving. The holliday has lost its meaning for me over the past few years, however today I did miss it. I didn't think I would, but I did. I think it's more the thought that I had to go to school today, and again tomorrow, instead of getting the days off. And no turkey, no stuffing, no potatoes - I had pasta. yum. And no early bird shopping specials tomorrow. nope, just not the same.

As far as good news goes, I actually went out to the paper store today. It's a bit of a trek to get there, but they have a pretty wide selection of paper - not sure about buying parent sheets. but otherwise they got good stuff. It's nice to know that it's possible to get paper here, even if they school doesn't believe in actually printing your projects. In fact, I dont think the school believes in printing at all. Today I found out that we have a limit of 30, yes THIRTY prints per month! That's just ridiculous. I tell ya, this school is going to be getting a nice little unofficial website made about it as soon as I'm done. There needs to be more accurate information about it available. But, they do apparently have a paper library at the school. They dont tell us it is there, but I asked my teacher, and he pointed to a big closet. I haven't investigated yet, but plan to do so tomorrow. We'll see if it really a redeming quality, or just another area they lack in.

i swear I had more to write about, but i am getting sleepy now and can't remember. perhaps it'll come back to me tomorrow.

posted by Lori @ 5:02 PM


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