Tuesday, November 29, 2005
Mental Health Day

Today I feel like a bit of a bum as I sit at home. Culture shock and homesickness and spending countless hours in classes that move at the rate of a snail and i really dont learn anything, have gotten the best of me. Last night my brain completely shut down. I really couldnt think or do anything. I had gone over to my new apartment to met the new roommates (I'll explain more about the apartment later) and then over to Egidio's house to work. It was useless though, my brain wouldnt function to do jack shit. It reminded me of how important it is to get away sometimes, and just chill with people and give yourself a break. While I do hang out with people, I realized that we always talk about design, or school, or differences between america and italy. What I'm in need of rather, is a night of bullshitting, playing mariokart, and drinking beer. I'm in need of a night at home with the boys, doing nothing but just chillin and having fun. Unfortunately I know that isn't going to happen. The guys last night, Egidio and Federico we're really great, trying to cheer me up. They pretty much stopped working too after I got there. I'm not sure if it was because they were done, or because they could tell I was in a comotose zombie state and in need of help. Somehow though, it just wasn't the same.

So today I took a day off. I slept till 11.30, woke up, looked outside, and saw snow. yes, more snow. More today than last time, as its actually sticking. And it's actually rather pretty. In addition, I just recieved a lovely present from the postman! My friend Matteo went to England a little while ago, and brought back with him two bottles of STARBUCKS hazelnut syrup for me! He was going to bring them with him to Milano when he came up for a NadaSurf concert, but sadly ended up not being able to come due to school. So he posted them to me instead. The only reason I'm not already indulging myself in a hazelnut latte, is because I ran out of milk. I must get to the store. Soon. :D

So while I'm still feeling a bit groggy and my mind is still a bit of a blur, the day is getting better. I woke up this morning and somehow had my concept for the "Be! low the Line" project that has been driving me crazy for the past two weeks. Maybe I dreamed about it, I'm not sure. but I woke up, and remembered having a really good idea. I then sat there thinking for a few minutes until it came to me. Unfortnuately it's a bit complicated to make, and I'm not sure if I'll have it for tomorrow's intermidiate critique. But atleast I have something to explain now, whereas before I had nothing. And I can definitely have it done in two weeks.

So here's to my mental health day. It's time to do homework.

posted by Lori @ 5:57 AM


At 7:33 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I will be in Milan in early January. I will look you up, stranger, and take you out for a sensational evening of beer, bruschetta and brilliant bullshit.
You don't need cheering up. You need some non-American, English speaking female company and that's right up my alley, sistah!

When in Italy I like them tall, strong and very hot.

My coffees, of course ;)

A presto!


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