Tuesday, October 17, 2006

I'm finally headed home for a much needed vacation! I bought my ticket out to oregon yesterday, and will be going next wed, the 25th! I havent been home since July 05 so I'm pretty due for a visit. It wont be a real long visit, but it'll be jammed pack.

I'll be heading to Portland first to see my mom and aunt, and a few random friends up there. Then I'll be taking off for a few days with AJ, split between Bend and Corvallis (my hometown) seeing the boys and celebrating halloween the right way! Then it's back up to Portland for another night or two before heading to San Francisco on the 3rd to see Kari and celebrate my 24th birthday on the 5th. My plans at that point are still a bit up in the air, as I may be coming home straight from SF, or I may head to reno for a few days the following weekend to see my friend Jeff and then head back to Virginia after that. Whatever I end up doing, I have a feeling that I'm going to be pretty tired by the time I get home!

posted by Lori @ 3:39 PM


At 4:33 AM, Blogger Tracie P. said...

and THEN you're going to swing by ischia, right?

At 2:50 AM, Blogger Corrie said...

have a great time, lori! we have been vacationing a bit here too, with corrie and eric arriving last week. this past weekend was our long-planned trip to genova! very fun!

At 8:25 AM, Blogger Lori said...

Of course Tracie! I'll be there in time for Thanksgiving ;)

Jackie- I cant believe you guys finally went to Genova! it seems like it has been sooo long in the waiting. Wish i could have come!

At 5:58 AM, Blogger Corrie said...

looking forward to reading about how the vacation went! (ps Genova was great fun...wish you could've been there! we went to portofino too!)

At 3:27 AM, Blogger Cynthia Rae said...

Wishing you the best in 2007 Lori! Buon anno!


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  name: Lori McKee
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