Thursday, September 29, 2005
My first visitor!

My friend Jordan from OSU is coming to visit me! I *think* he is coming on Sat, at least that is the last I've heard from him. :) He's currently somewhere in Italy (amalfii coast maybe?) traveling, during part ofo a 6 week trip in europe, mostly focused on Italy. I have no idea how long he's going to be here for, or what he wants to do while here. While I can find my way around the city just fine, and get to anywhere, I still dont have much of an idea of what there is to do/see here in Milano. In a perfect world he would show up and say to me "I want to see A, B, and C." and I could take him there and it would be great. Somehow I doubt that will happen.

So, taking my cue from Jackie, Macerata's own little tour guide, I figured that I should have some ideas prepared ahead of time. I've got a variety of travel books on Italy, and while honestly, I've never read that much about Milano (hey, there's plenty of time for me to discover it all!), there must be something good about Milano in them. So this morning I decided to do some research. however, when I went to grab some books I quickly remembered that the majority of them were still in the mail from back home. All I am left with is The Heritage Guide/Touring Club of Italy, Milan and Turin.

I'm not sure exactly why I bought this book. Well, no, I know why. I wanted a more detailed book about Milano, and this was one of the few that I could find at Borders. For some reason people dont like to write books specifically on Milano. Since buying this book though, I really haven't used it much. It's not really my style of writing. But I am determined, there must be some information in here that made it worth buying. And even not, I should at least read through it once, I mean hell, I paid for it.

In the mean time, if anyone has any suggestions of things to do in Milano (minus the obvious duomo, la scala, etc - unless you have some insider tips for them), Please SHARE!

PS- Carole, I was thinking maybe a day trip up to Como/ and or surrounding area if he was interested. Any suggestions? Can we do it easily by train? I have nothing in my guidebooks on the lakes! (maybe I'll go buy a new one today! The only other two I have with me are Rome and Sicily! ha! as soon as I buy one though I KNOW my boxes will get here! oh well, you can never have too many books!)

posted by Lori @ 5:51 AM


At 10:00 AM, Blogger Cynthia Rae said...

Have fun and enjoy your company!

At 12:43 PM, Blogger Corrie said...

I went to Pavia and found it to be cute--although there wasn't much to do. It's a really easy day trip. Also, obviously, the Brera if he's into art.

Also, Bergamo should be really cool. We might go there in Nov!

There's supposed to be a neat little specialty food shop in Milan, but I forget what it's called (not much help there!). I'll look it up.

What's your book say about Turin? I want to go there.

At 12:52 PM, Blogger Lori said...

Cynthia- Thanks! Sounds like you had a good time in venice!

Jackie- Ah! you're thinking of going to Bergamo and not visiting me! I'm hurt! that better have been an oversight on your part!

I'm horrible, and still havent read the book! It was really a bad buy on my part, its just not the type of guide book that I like. Maybe I'll bring it for you next time I come!


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