Christmas before last, a bunch of friends got together for a party and white elephant gift exchange. Feeling a bit creative, I made a set of refridgerator magnets, featuring myself and some friends, to throw in the pot. After a year or so, the magnets eventually made their way back to our house where they lived (in various positions) on the fridge. Now, after sadly having to leave "the house of death" behind, the magnets have made their way to Italy with me, where they live on the radiator in my room. Perhaps one day they will venture out to the fridge again, but for now I think it'd be better not to scare Stefano when he moves in. :)
There was always demand for additional magnets to be made, but being lazy as I am, I never got around to it. So finally, after much delay I'd like to introduce the two magnets that were in highest demand, Jose and Kari. (unfortunately I lack the resources to actually make the magnets! But the images are ready and hopefully someone back home will help me out and make them for me!)
I'm sooooo taking your first born child for that.
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