Thursday, April 06, 2006

well, im finally done with the flash projects. whew! I finished about an hour ago. In the last 4 days I have done little other than sleep and flash. but, atleast i have some money in my pocket now, albiet not a lot, but enough to buy me some food, and fund a trip down to macerata to see friends. I think I may also escape to the store today to try and buy a new pair of jeans. Only its not so much fun going alone, and I dont think I can get anyone to come with me. But we'll see. I'm desperately in need of a new pair, although it could easily wait till next week. Right now I've got one pair of jeans that fit me, and even those are a little big. I have one other pair that I can wear while washing the first, but even with a belt they dont like to stay on too well, plus they have a hole in the crotch! I'm not quite sure how that happened since they're only a couple months old. I've lost so much weight though that none of the 5 pairs I brought with me from home fit. (which I hate cause they were really cute and new!) Even with the belt they will fall right off. I'm not even joking! I've lost about 30 pounds since I got here, 25 of that since december. horribly fast I know! but I assure you I'm eating. I even started purposfully eating more when I realized how fast I was losing the weight. It would be one thing if I was working out, but I'm too lazy for that. my workout includes going up and down the stairs at the metro (and then only if there isnt an escalator!) Still, not having a car and walking more probably helps. As does the quality of the food here, not drinking beer atleast 5 nights a week, and also my two month stint of being sick. ugh.

So yes, I need knew jeans. but seeing as I only slept 3 hours last night, and no more than 4 or 5 each night every night the last week, im not sure if I have the energy to force myself out of the house other than a quickie run to the store.

Tonight will be bedtime early, as I have to wake up at 6 to leave here by 7 and catch my train down to Puglia! Yes, tomorrow is finally the day. I take off bright and early and get there around 5.30pm. But It will be great to see my bro for a couple of days, even if I do have to leave early monday morning. I have no idea what we will be doing. which reminds me, I need to copy a bunch of info off the itnernet and get prepared for a couple of day trips with him. Hmmm... going to buy jeans is looking more and more less likely. ha. oh well, I enjoy planning trips :D

I'll try and post photos monday night when I get home of the trip. Although I'll only post a few here, the rest will be on Ringo if anyone wants to see them :D

Have a great weekend everyone!

posted by Lori @ 8:59 AM


At 6:29 PM, Blogger Tracie P. said...

are your shoulders lighter?


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