Saturday, March 25, 2006
hangin with the roomies

okay, finally got some pics from the party last week....

Giorgio and me after our run to the store... and yes, the cart is STILL in our house.

Me, Giorgio and Beanie (the roomies) with our not so full anymore pot of goodness

Beanie and me with some of beanies friends whose names i cant remember

and once again the guys whose names i dont remember...

I really need to get better about remembering names...

posted by Lori @ 9:28 AM


At 2:03 PM, Blogger nikinpos said...

I can't believe you're all wearing sleeveless tops! Is it warm in Milan? Down south we're still in 2 sweaters in the house!

At 2:09 PM, Blogger Lori said...

ha, i wouldnt say its warm - although the other day i did walk down the street with my coat off and only a sweater! was a little chilly but the shine was shining and i couldnt resist. but no, it was pretty hot in the apartment, its only 2 rooms here, so with all the people it heated up, and we had the windows open! we were all definitely in coats though for the walk to the club. although i probably could have gone out in just the tank, id had enough to drink i wouldnt have noticed!

At 2:11 PM, Blogger Lori said...

man.... looking at these photos i really need to get a tan!

At 4:16 PM, Blogger Tracie P. said...

i don't see no beer up in that basket girl? it ain't no kollij party without a keg...WOOHOO!

At 6:26 PM, Blogger Lori said...

haha true, if i had been back home there would have been about atleast 10 cases of beer, if not a keg :D we did have a little bit of beer, though the main drink, what that pot was full of before was 3 bottles of vodka and 4 bottles of sparkling wine! so that made for a good drink

At 3:45 AM, Blogger Cynthia Rae said...

Looks like you guys had a lot of fun! Remember, if you don't return that cart you are out an entire euro!


At 5:14 AM, Blogger Lori said...

damn, you're right Cyn! we better get on it!

hehe actuallly, i have a feeling the cart may live here until June when we move out. its not su much a matter of being lazy (well, some of it is laziness) but also that we're never home during the day when the store is open to retun it!


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