Wednesday, October 19, 2005
Cultura Tipografica

This morning was my first real class. Typography. It's a lecture/theory class, and we will do no projects in it. Just sit there and listen to the prof talk about typography. And of course, it's all in Italian. I actually understood though, I think it helped that I've studied typography so much before, cause everything we went over today was a review. For me at least. For a lot of the students its all new material. In fact, when the professor asked who had studied typography before, I was the only one other than the few students who had taken the visual design basic corse at SPD last year. At least I was the only one who understood the question and raised my hand. ^___^

I'm feeling much better today though, my head is a lot clearer so I think that helped a lot also in my comprehension. As a side note, there is a little victory for us english speakers in that the text book for the class is all in English! so at least I wont have any problems understanding it. I was also the only one who raised my hand when she asked who spoke good enough english to be able to easily understand the book. She laughed when I raised my hand, and then added "who isn't a mother tounge speaker."

Also, on the list of recommended but not required text books, is Stop Stealing Sheep, a book I read a few years ago at OSU. Needless to say I wont be buying that one again.

I'm interested in seeing how this class is gonna end up being. I have a feeling for at least the first month it is going to be mostly review for me... After that I am hoping to learn at least some new ideas, or new perspectives on typography. I know today was just an intro lecture, but the only tings I found myself taking notes on were Italian vocabulary. At least this will give me a chance to improve my Italian I suppose.

This afternoon I have another class, (4 hours long!) that is called "computer visual a." I think basically it is going to be a lab course introducing us to computer programs such as indesign, photoshop, illustrator, etc. Oh yeah! more review! haha. I must remember to look at the positive side. While everyone else is trying to learn these basic concepts, I can focus on improving my Italian. :)

posted by Lori @ 5:25 AM


At 11:50 AM, Blogger Alice Twain said...

Who's your tipography teacher? I feel it's my former typography teacher! ^___^


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