Monday, January 09, 2006
a harder life

this morning I received a phone call that my morning lesson was canceled. I had already gotten up, so now I'm awake early, and dont have to be at my next class till 4. What on earth am I to do with myself. well, homework of course. but it's too early for homework, so I decided to poke around on the internet. I remembered that I had been a bad friend, and not read AJ's past couple of blog entries all the way through. So I flipped over to her blog and started reading.

AJ is currently serving as a peace Corps volunteer in Senegal. She left the states for Africa around the same time I was settling into my first apartment in September. AJ, a dedicated and serious volunteer had already started doing research and planning before she left the states. She spent the first bit of time in Dakar, going through training, and has since moved out to a smalll viillage. In a receint entry, among other things she wrote "The truth remains, however, I am here, living in a mud hut, bathing from a bucket, cycling 7 km over sand to get to town, living on a meager volunteer’s allowance - all things that my American friends would consider hardships - but I am still living far above anyone in my village. "

How true it is. I like to think I'm fairly adaptable... but then I get cranky without my coffee (last night I dreamed, yet again of starbucks), or if I have to go too long without a shower. I think 'sure, I could live in a mud hut' - but I'd be squelling every five minutes at the insects I'd be living with. Truth is, it's a hard life living there. And that's her point. I consider it a hard life, yet its still a lot better quality than a lot of people in her village. It's amazing how much we take for granted in this life of ours.

I dont give myself enough credit to be able to write something profound on the subject. So instead I suggest that you go and read AJ's blog. And while you're at it check out her friend Clare's blog who is also serving as a volunteer but has been there a lot longer. I garuntee its worth your time to read. Furthermore, if you haven't checked out the Albanian Alps Institute link I've got on the side, take a look there as well. It might be of special interest to any of you living in Italy who may get annoyed by 'those pesty albanians.'

posted by Lori @ 4:03 AM


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